Modern Eco-Friendly Construction Practices

Eco-friendly construction practices are becoming increasingly important as the demand for sustainable building solutions grows. Incorporating these practices not only benefits the environment but also enhances the efficiency and healthiness of buildings. Here are some modern eco-friendly construction practices to consider:

Sustainable Materials

Using sustainable materials is a fundamental aspect of eco-friendly construction. These materials are often sourced responsibly, have a lower environmental impact, and can be recycled or reused. Examples include bamboo, reclaimed wood, recycled metal, and low-VOC (volatile organic compounds) paints and finishes. These materials reduce waste and energy consumption, contributing to a greener building process.

Energy Efficiency

Energy-efficient designs are crucial for reducing the overall carbon footprint of a building. This includes the use of high-performance insulation, energy-efficient windows, and advanced HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems. Incorporating renewable energy sources, such as solar panels or wind turbines, further enhances a building’s energy efficiency. These measures not only lower energy consumption but also reduce utility costs for the occupants.

Water Conservation

Water conservation is another critical component of sustainable construction. Implementing systems that reduce water usage, such as low-flow fixtures, rainwater harvesting systems, and greywater recycling, can significantly decrease a building’s water footprint. Landscaping with native plants that require less water also contributes to conservation efforts.

Green Building Certifications

Pursuing green building certifications, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method), ensures that a building meets high environmental standards. These certifications evaluate various aspects of sustainability, including energy use, water efficiency, and indoor environmental quality. Achieving these certifications demonstrates a commitment to sustainability and can enhance the building’s marketability.

Smart Building Technology

Integrating smart building technology can improve energy efficiency and occupant comfort. Automated systems for lighting, heating, and cooling can optimize energy use based on occupancy and time of day. Smart meters and sensors provide real-time data, allowing for better energy management and maintenance planning. These technologies help reduce energy consumption and improve the overall sustainability of the building.

Indoor Air Quality

Maintaining good indoor air quality is essential for the health and well-being of occupants. Eco-friendly construction practices include the use of low-VOC materials, proper ventilation systems, and air-purifying plants. These measures help reduce indoor pollutants and create a healthier living environment.

Waste Reduction

Minimizing construction waste is a significant aspect of sustainable building practices. This can be achieved by planning and designing efficiently, using prefabricated components, and recycling construction materials. Proper waste management strategies reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and lower the environmental impact of the construction process.

Sustainable Landscaping

Sustainable landscaping practices complement eco-friendly building designs. Using native plants, installing efficient irrigation systems, and incorporating green roofs or walls can enhance the sustainability of a property. These practices not only reduce water usage but also provide additional insulation and improve air quality.

Recommendation: Consult with Your Contractor

When planning a construction project, it’s essential to consult with your contractor about their sustainability practices. Ask about their experience with eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient designs, and green building certifications. A knowledgeable commercial contractor can provide valuable insights and recommendations to ensure your project meets high sustainability standards.

By incorporating these modern eco-friendly construction practices, you can create a building that is not only environmentally responsible but also efficient, healthy, and cost-effective. For more information and personalized advice, reach out to contractors who specialize in sustainable building solutions.


Harnessing Texas Sun and Style: Eco-Friendly and Energy-Efficient Roofs for the Lone Star State

Metal Roof for Texas

Texas, known for its sprawling landscapes and intense climate, is also a state that’s increasingly conscious about sustainable living. In the heart of such environmental and weather extremities, the roof over your head plays a pivotal role in your home’s energy efficiency and ecological impact. Here’s a roundup of the most eco-friendly and energy-efficient types of roofs tailored for Texas homeowners.

Cool Roofs: Beating the Texas Heat

The concept of cool roofs is simple: they reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat than a standard roof. In the Texan summer, a cool roof can make your home more comfortable by reducing heat transfer into the building, minimizing the strain on your air conditioning, and thereby cutting energy usage.

Materials: Cool roofs can be made of highly reflective types of paint, a sheet covering, or highly reflective tiles or shingles.

Ideal for Texas because: They significantly lower roof temperatures during hot summer months, leading to decreased energy costs and increased indoor comfort.

Green Roofs: A Living Canopy

Green roofs, also known as living roofs, are covered with vegetation over a waterproofing membrane. They are excellent insulators, reduce stormwater runoff, and help combat the urban heat island effect.

Materials: A standard green roof includes a layer of vegetation, a growing medium, a filter membrane, and a drainage layer.

Ideal for Texas because: They provide much-needed green space in urban settings and help insulate buildings from the intense Texas sun, leading to energy savings and improved air quality.

Solar Roofs: Harnessing the Power of the Texas Sun

Solar roofs are designed to generate electricity by integrating solar panels directly into the roofing material. Texas, being one of the sunniest states, offers the perfect opportunity to capitalize on solar energy.

Materials: Solar shingles or tiles, which function both as traditional roofing and as a solar PV system.

Ideal for Texas because: They reduce dependence on fossil fuel energy, harnessing the state’s abundant sunlight to power homes in an eco-friendly manner.

Metal Roofs: Durable and Reflective

Metal roofs reflect solar radiant heat, which can reduce cooling costs by 10-25%. They are durable, recyclable, and can be made from a high percentage of recycled material.

Materials: Typically made from steel, aluminum, or copper.

Ideal for Texas because: Metal roofs withstand severe weather conditions and are excellent for rainwater harvesting, an added benefit in drought-prone areas.

Slate and Clay Tiles: Timeless and Sustainable

Slate and clay tiles are natural materials that have a lower environmental impact over their lifecycle. They are extremely durable, have a natural ability to regulate indoor temperatures, and can be recycled at the end of their lifespan.

Materials: Natural slate or terracotta clay.

Ideal for Texas because: They offer a classic aesthetic that matches many Texan architectural styles and provide exceptional longevity and fire resistance.

Reflective Roof Coatings: The Upgrade Option

For those not ready to replace an entire roof, reflective coatings can be applied to existing roof materials to increase their reflective properties.

Materials: Specialized coatings made with reflective pigments.

Ideal for Texas because: They can extend the life of your current roof and improve its solar reflectance and thermal emittance.


For Texas homeowners, the choice of roofing is critical not just for aesthetics but for comfort, cost savings, and environmental stewardship. Whether you opt for cool metal, lush greenery, innovative solar tiles, timeless slate, or an upgrade with reflective coatings, the best roof is one that aligns with your ecological values while standing up to the Lone Star State’s challenging climate. Embrace these eco-friendly and energy-efficient roofing options to protect your home and the environment—one shingle, tile, or plant at a time.

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How to Have a Successful Garage Sale

How to Have a Successful Garage Sale

Donate to a garage sale

Donating your unwanted items to a garage sale is a great way to make money. Many people use garage sales as fundraisers for charities. These sales usually take place at private residences and allow people to purchase items such as clothing, household items, and furniture. However, you must know that your items must be sellable. Items that are too worn or broken will not be accepted. Large pieces of furniture and books will not be accepted.

Some popular garage sale items are garden tools, toys, and games. People often buy used garden tools and fix them up. Toys can also make a great donation. You can sell unused toys and games that your children have outgrown. Just make sure to check them for functionality and clean them thoroughly. Antique and vintage toys are especially in demand. Compile all the reusable items you have in a garage or room in your house and donate them to a local sale or Goodwill. If you’re doing a house or garage cleanout, this can be a great way to reuse and recycle. It can also be helpful to use junk removal services or a roll-off to get rid of items that can’t be reused. For example, if you’re in Akron and need to rent a dumpster, a local waste management company would be a great way avoid back-and-forth trips to the dump after you’ve tried selling and donating everything you have.

Create large and colorful signs to direct people to your garage sale

Garage sale signs are a great way to attract attention to your yard sale. They help people find your items without having to walk around your yard. You can even create directional signs in pink, which are great for attracting younger buyers. Make sure your sign is large enough so people can read it without walking into your yard.

You can use a variety of different signs to direct people to your garage sale. For example, you could create a large sign that includes arrows directing people to your sale. Moreover, you can make a colorful one that clearly marks the date of your garage sale. It would be best if you have another person nearby to check on the signs and make sure that they are placed in a visible location.

Advertise your garage sale on Craigslist

The Craigslist website is an excellent place to advertise your garage sale. It offers free online classified ads that are broken down by country and city. You can create an account or post an ad without one. Craigslist allows you to search for similar garage sale ads in your area and make any changes based on what you find. To post your ad on Craigslist, simply click the “Post to Classifieds” link in the upper left corner of the page and fill out the form.

Then, enter the information about your garage sale in the appropriate category. Remember to include a picture if possible. This will draw potential buyers to your garage sale. A photo can also catch the attention of shoppers who browse the site based on what they see.

Price your garage sale items

If you’re having a garage sale, it’s important to know how to price your items for a successful sale. People love to score a bargain, and they aren’t shy about haggling over prices. Make sure that you label each item with a descriptive tag, and don’t price too high.

Prices should never exceed ten percent of the retail price. That means, for instance, you shouldn’t charge more than $2 for a $20 product. However, you can charge more if your product is of higher quality. If you’re selling a high-end item, consider charging up to 20 percent of its retail price. This blanket rule will help you keep your prices reasonable, while still attracting potential buyers.

If you’re having a garage sale, you should consider pricing each item for its resale value. You can use price tags or stickers to display prices. For more visibility, use colored stickers. Also, use large tags for items that are more expensive.

Plan for after-sale pickup

To prevent people from leaving empty-handed after your garage sale, make sure that you plan ahead. Make sure that you have a staging area that is low-traffic and ground level, and that you categorize items according to their price. You can also group items into general categories, such as clothes, home goods, toys, and so on. Before your garage sale, make an inventory of all of the items you plan to sell.

Make sure you have plenty of bags and boxes to take items home in. Also, remember to keep things neat and organized. You can rearrange them later as items sell. You can also group similar items together, so that people can find them more easily. Kids can also set up a lemonade, coffee, or hot-coffee stand to make a little extra cash.





Benefits of an Artificial Lawn

Benefits of an Artificial Lawn

benefits of an artificial lawn

One of the biggest benefits of an artificial lawn is that it is low maintenance. You can avoid worrying about watering and mowing your lawn, which can take up a lot of your time. You can also forget about puddles that can form after a heavy rain, which is an attractive habitat for mosquitoes. An artificial lawn also has a built-in drainage system, so you can avoid these problems as well.

One of the biggest benefits of an artificial lawn is that it is easy to maintain. Unlike a traditional lawn, an artificial one doesn’t require mowing or weed-whacking. All you need to do is sweep it regularly and weed it out occasionally. You also don’t have to spend a lot of water to keep it looking great. Furthermore, a well-maintained artificial lawn doesn’t produce mud.

Another benefit is that it doesn’t need any maintenance. Unlike natural lawns, artificial lawns require very little care. Unlike natural lawns, these don’t need any fertilizers or pesticides to stay healthy. This is a significant benefit, especially if you have kids or pets. You can also be assured that weeds won’t destroy your beautiful lawn. Then there’s the cost savings.

Another benefit is that an artificial lawn is much easier to maintain. You won’t have to worry about weeds or grass cutting. You won’t have to rake the grass. You don’t have to weed the yard and keep the hoses running. You’ll also save on water as you won’t have to worry about it absorbing water from the ground. You won’t have to deal with this problem with an artificial lawn.

Another advantage of an artificial lawn is that you’ll save a lot of water. You’ll save around 22,000 gallons of water a year. In addition to saving on your water bill, some local authorities offer incentives to homeowners who use their water savings for home improvements. Plus, you’ll get the beautiful look of a freshly-cut lawn year-round. You’ll be glad you did! The K&D Landscaping experts can help you decide which is the best option for your home.

When you have an artificial lawn, you won’t have to deal with lawn-care costs. You won’t need to spend any money on watering or fertilizing your grass. And you’ll save a lot of money, as the materials used to make your natural lawn look beautiful will be much more expensive. However, artificial lawns will be easier to maintain and will save you money. It’s also possible to keep up with the weather, which is one of the biggest advantages of an artificial lawn.

Lastly, an artificial lawn is cleaner than a natural lawn. You don’t have to worry about grass stains, mud, and puddles, and you don’t have to worry about pesticides. In addition, you don’t have to deal with weeds, which can be a nuisance when you’re busy. Moreover, if you’re concerned about your children’s health, artificial grasses are a good option.

Aside from being safe for your pets, artificial grass doesn’t need watering. There is no need to water your natural lawn, as it will dry up and die. It is also much cheaper than a natural lawn. This is because you won’t have to spend any time on lawn care, as it only requires minimal maintenance. If you don’t have the time, you can hire a company to do your artificial turf installation.

The long-term benefits of an artificial lawn are numerous. First and foremost, you can save money. You won’t have to spend money on watering your natural lawn. Aside from saving money, an artificial lawn also offers you the peace of mind of knowing that your lawn is always looking good. This is a major perk of an artificial lawn. It will make you happy to look at your lawn every day. You can even enjoy your garden year-round thanks to the fact that the lawn doesn’t need any water.

Another benefit of an artificial lawn is that it will not require any mowing or watering. Unlike natural grass, it isn’t susceptible to droughts. So, if you live in a dry area, you’ll have to worry about watering your lawn more often. You’ll also save money on gas, since you won’t have to pay to refill your tank. An artificial lawn also requires less energy, which means that you can afford it.

How to Hire a Tree Service

How to Hire a Tree Service

How to Hire a Tree Service

If you’re considering hiring a tree service, it’s important to make sure you’re getting the best one for your needs. In order to do this, you should ask for references. While this isn’t a legal requirement, some companies do require money down before they can begin work. This is common practice for companies that use expensive supplies. You should also know that the company’s trucks and other machinery may require access to your driveway or lawn. You should also expect some minor disturbance to your yard, so make sure the crew is experienced in working in your area.

Before hiring a tree service, make sure they have the proper licenses and insurance. Moreover, the arborist should be a full-time employee of the company. A few companies may promote one arborist on their staff, but this is not enough. It’s important to hire a certified arborist. They’re likely to know the right ways to cut trees and will leave the property clean and unharmed.

Ensure the company has insurance and is licensed. Without insurance, you might be responsible for any damages the company causes to your property. Before accepting a tree service’s quote, request a copy of their insurance certificate. Providing the insurance certificate is an official method of verifying the company’s legitimacy, and you shouldn’t hire a tree service without it. If you’re not sure, you can also check their online reviews and read customer testimonials. However, don’t get carried away by low bids or deals that seem too good to be true.

Finally, you should ask for references. Although reviews online are biased, they can still provide helpful information. The best way to make sure you hire a reputable tree service is to read their previous clients’ testimonials. Besides, the company should also have a list of satisfied clients, and you should be able to contact them if you need more information. There’s no reason to risk hiring a substandard tree service.

First and foremost, you should look for a company that is licensed and insured. A tree service must be licensed and insured. If they do not have insurance, you can’t trust them. Secondly, you should consider how much you’re willing to spend for the service. Moreover, you should compare the quotes provided by different companies. Ensure that they’re affordable and offer the best quality. You should also consider the time they’ll need for the project.

Aside from obtaining a certificate of liability insurance, you should also ask for references. A certified arborist should have no problems with liability insurance. You can ask for a copy of their insurance certificates from any tree service. If you don’t receive any references, you should avoid hiring a company. In addition, ask for referrals and testimonials. Most of these companies will be happy to provide you with a list of satisfied clients.

Before hiring a tree service, you should ask around for references. Whether it’s a certified Arborist or not, the person you choose will be the one to handle your property’s safety. If a certified arborist doesn’t have the necessary certifications, you’ll have to pay for them. Secondly, you should check whether they’re insured. While hiring a tree service should be insured, it should also be able to give you a copy of their insurance certificates.

Aside from checking out the credentials of the company’s workers, you should also look for the company’s reputation. While online reviews are usually biased, you can ask for references of the company’s employees. You should also make sure that the service is insured. You should always ask if they have insurance and what type of policy it has. A reputable tree service will be happy to answer these questions and to provide you with a list of satisfied clients.

Before hiring a tree service, make sure you check the company’s insurance coverage. A professional will be able to provide you with a certificate of insurance in the event of any damages or injuries. If a tree service does not have these documents, you should move on to the next option. You should make sure that the tree service you choose is licensed before hiring them. You should ask for the references of these companies.

8 Best Electronics and Computer Recycling Services in Austin

With increased consumerism, electronic gadgets and materials are disposed of by consumers every year as soon as they upgrade to a newer model. Electronic materials contain hazardous substances that are harmful to the environment. The heavy metals, plastic, and glass in electronic components are dumped in a landfill, and these substances can then seep into the waterways and pollute the air.

Only 15-20 percent of all e-waste is recycled in the U.S. Yet nearly 100 percent of e-waste is recyclable. Recycling e-waste will decrease the demand for mining heavy metals and significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing new materials. Here are some recycling companies in Austin that provide an ethical and environmentally safe way to dispose of e-waste.


Austin, TX 78758

(512) 714-3939

R3eWaste is one of the foremost recycling centers in Austin, and they are continually working on improving their services on electronic waste management. Electronic components contain materials and chemicals that are harmful to the environment, and that’s where R3eWaste comes in. R3eWaste has been given the prestigious certifications of ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. ISO 14001 ensures that a company systemically manages its environmental responsibilities to ensure the social, economic, and environmental wellbeing of the planet. ISO 45001 certifies that a company adheres to the safety and health regulations and reduces the risk of an occupational hazard.

They provide a responsible outlet for all electronic waste. R3eWaste collects electronic materials from a business at no extra cost. They ensure that sensitive components such as data centers are carefully disassembled to ensure that a company’s sensitive data stays secure. Pallet and wrapping services are provided as needed. They even maintain a zero-landfill policy and give back to local communities. Their address is R3eWaste, 2216 Rutland Drive. Suite B. Austin, TX. 78758 and they can be reached by calling (512) 714-3939.

ATX Global Trading Mission

ATX Global Trading Mission supports the reuse, reduce, and recycle motto when it comes to electronic waste. The company’s mission is to be a provider of all used electrical components and retail products. The company’s goal is to protect the environment while ensuring the social, economic, and positive impact of their local community, people, stakeholders, employees, and customers. They have been certified on various policies— occupational health and safety, quality, environmental health and safety, pollution prevention, and reuse. Their address is ATX Global Trading, 4125 Felter Lane. Austin, TX 78744 and their contact number is (512) 743-9331.

E-cycle Enterprises

E-cycle Enterprises is an ethical electronics disposal company where they safely recycle all unwanted, broken, or outdated electronics. They provide both ethical electronic waste management, as well as safe and reliable data destruction. They offer their services to healthcare, manufacturing, information technology, financial, automobile, mining, electronics, retail, and service industries.

They are well equipped to handle any special requests that a business might have according to their industry needs. E-cycle Enterprises have been awarded the prestigious certification of NAID AAA. NAID is one of the widely recognized and stringent Data Security Certification Programs in the world. They offer residential pick-up services in Austin and most major U.S. cities. Located at E-Cycle Enterprises, 14814 Venture Drive, Farmers Branch, TX 75234, their contact number is (682) 313-9646.

Texas Computer and Electronic Recycling

Texas Computer and Electronic Recycling provide full-service, EPA-permitted recycling, including pick up and removal from thousands of Texas-based companies. Trucks, workforce, and tools will be provided to ensure safe removal of all designated materials and transfer to a secured, compliant facility. They provide residential pick up anywhere in Austin. Their address is Austin, Texas, 21653 High Dr. Leander, Austin. TX 78645, and they can be reached by calling (512) 337-3671.

Cinco Electronics Recycling

Cinco Electronics Recycling provides a wide range of recycling services for corporate and individual customers in Austin, Texas. They take old, outdated electronics and ensure that they are safely disposed of or reused and recycled in an environmentally safe manner. They have been given the prestigious certification of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2007, and R2 (Responsible Recycler). These certifications ensure strict adherence to policies that positively impact both the environment and the customers, stakeholders, and employees. They accept residential drop-offs. Their address is Texas – Dallas. 2725 South State Hwy 360, Suite 200. Grand Prairie, Texas 75052, and their phone number is (512) 693-8888.

Z-tech Global

Z-tech Global provides responsible recycling and remarketing solutions for old, unwanted electronic materials and computers. Customized solutions are offered in I.T. asset management, material recovery, and remarketing of computers and I.T. equipment. To protect businesses and individuals’ sensitive data, they provide sensitive data sanitization and hard drive shredding services. They comply with the environmental, health, and safety management system of the ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards. They provide residential drop offs. Their address is 8812 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78757, and they can be contacted by calling (512) 697-9604.

R2 Corporation

R2 Corporation (Resale Resource/Recycling Resource) is a Texas-based organization that provides environmentally certified computer and electronics recycling services. They are committed to safeguarding the environment, ensuring customer satisfaction, and building a premier asset recovery and recycling company. They provide logistics, certified data destruction, inventory management, event collections, specialized equipment for customers, and recycling. R2 Corporation has been awarded the ISO 9001:2015 Certification, ISO 14001:2015 Certification, OHSAS 45001:2018 Certification, and R2:2013 Certification. They provide residential drop offs. Their address is 10200 McKalla Place #200, Austin, TX 78758, and their contact number is (512) 815-2925.

Recycle & Reuse Drop-off Centre

Recycle & Reuse Drop-off Centre is the city of Austin’s recycling center. Residents can ensure the safe disposal of their unwanted electronic waste by dropping them off at the center. The service is free for Austin residents, and businesses are not eligible to drop off hazardous waste. The residents must bring products in original containers that are five gallons or smaller. Currently, the drop off center is closed due to increasing concerns about COVID-19, and drop offs are no longer accepted. Their mailing address is P.O. Box 1088. Austin, TX 78767, and their contact number is 3-1-1.

E-waste is a significant problem that we are facing on a global scale. Every person must dispose of their electronic waste responsibly and ethically. Once we begin to take small steps to improve the environment, we will see increasingly positive results. If you’re ready to schedule e-waste recycliing, call 512-714-3939 now!

Eco-Friendly, Upcycled Clothes


There are a lot of people dealing with upcycled fabrics and clothes. In fact, quite of few of these places have found a home on Etsy and other similar sites that put customers in touch with small craftsmen. There is a large market out there for clothing that is made out of recycled fabrics. They are quickly becoming one of the most popular overall fashions in the country and they are also lowering in price as demand grows. If you are interested in buying yourself some recycled clothes, you may find yourself being a little picky at times. After all, you don’t know who was wearing those old clothes last, and that can have a tendency to freak some people out. The best way to avoid worrying about something like this is to simply buy from a reputable dealer or a reputable clothing creator.

Zasra Shop at Etsy

There are a lot of great shops on Etsy that let you buy upcycled clothes, but the stuff being sold at the Zasra shop in the Etsy marketplace is taking it to another level. A lot of people simply make stuff that “looks” like clothes out of older clothes. They feel like they can bring in customers no matter what the clothes look like since the fabrics are upcycled and that’s what customers “really” want. Zasra doesn’t take this tact. This store actually provides you with clothing that will be something that you’d be proud to wear for more than just environmental reasons. The selection here is great and you’ll like what you see.

Anita Spero Design Shop at Etsy

Also on Etsy, you will find the Anita Spero Design shop to be a high-class operation with a lot of great upcycled clothes. The clothes here are stylish and they can be worn for any occasion from formal events to lounging around at home. This shop really makes it easy to shop with an environmentally-friendly mindset.

Great Kitchen Ideas

green feather duster

One of the most wasteful parts of any home is always the kitchen. Everything gets wasted here. Water gets wasted constantly. Food gets wasted. Paper gets wasted. Plastic wrap gets wasted. Everything gets tossed away in the hubbub of getting dinner done and the dishes washed, and in between, we all produce quite a lot of waste here. While waste is a cycle that is borne mostly out of a desire for efficiency, it can be mitigated through the use of appropriate items throughout our kitchens. Two great ways to reduce waste and be more environmentally friendly in the kitchen are:

Biobag Compostable Trash Bags

These bags are absolutely great. Not only can you use them for regular trash, but you can compost them in your compost pile just like you would compost a paper bag. The secret is what it’s made out of. The plastic here isn’t quite the same as the plastic you’ve become accustomed to over the years. Instead of the nasty, oil-based plastics we more commonly use, the Biobag Compostable Trash Bag will break down in a very short amount of time. The secret is in its chemistry. The plastic in the bag is made out of corn starches, meaning it has a much more natural rate of decay than a plastic bag.

Green Cleaning Products

There are a lot of options out there if you want to use green cleaning products. I personally like the Seventh Generation line of products, but there are a lot of choices. If you’re new to using green cleaning products, then I recommend getting a gift basket of some type that will give you the chance to see how many different environmentally-friendly cleaners work.

Bamboo Everything

bamboo stalks

There are a few different options out there for people looking to have a more sustainable lifestyle. First, you can always just use reusable things. This is probably the simplest of all things you could do, and it will probably have the most immediate effect. However, if you simply need to use something that is lightweight, and that you may be OK with tossing every now and then, then you can’t go wrong with bamboo.

Not only does bamboo look good, but it’s light and it’s very sustainable. Some types of bamboo can grow feet in just a single day, meaning that there’s even less time spent between seeding and harvesting. Not only does this mean it’s a very useful product, but it also means that it’s a much more sustainable one. After all, if resource managers can get tons of bamboo out of one spot over and over again, why would they ever need to branch out into other spots?

I specifically like this travel set on if you are looking for something nice, attractive, and sustainable. The great thing about this utensil set is that it comes with a very cool carrying case, making it very easy to tote around with you wherever you go. The size of the case doesn’t seem to be very proprietary or anything, so if you ever need to replace the bamboo with metal or other bamboo utensils, then it’s going to work just as well.

In the end, this is just a cool little thing to have around. It’s simple things like this that really add up over time to make your life much more sustainable, and really that much easier to live. If you are looking for any other green living ideas, is a great place to start. This is especially true if you’re looking for recycled goods or anything of that nature. Good luck!

Usable Bike Chains, Part Deux

bike chains

I’ve talked about bike chain-themed wares on this site before, but this is a really interesting take on what can be done with a chain. This bike chain picture frame by Graham Bergh is a great little piece that adds a very unique flavor to any photo and room arrangement. The greatness of the piece lies within its utilitarian, yet infinitely versatile, look. This is definitely a piece that can make people stop and take a peek, and it is a wonderful addition to any home.

First, they start off much the same as many other items of this nature. They start off as old, useless junk that most people have already written off as trash. This is where Bergh and his small team of designers come into play. They put themselves in the right place at the right time to grab the best chains they can to do a lot of different things with. Some of the chains get turned into those awesome little bottle openers I talked about a few posts ago. Others get turned into these frames. The ones that aren’t up to snuff in terms of quality are either tossed or donated to local schools that teach bike maintenance. Either way, every effort possible has been made to do something with these chains other than just dump them off.

The thing that is really great about this piece is that it invokes a certain “steampunk-esque” feel to just about any living arrangement. The patterns of the chain are delicate, and they contrast with the brute strength of the steel chain, making for a very interesting melding of form and function. This is also great for the frame since it means that it is very abrasion resistant, meaning you won’t have to worry about messing the frame up until it’s busted beyond repair.

There are a lot of great ways to make your home much more eco-friendly without really going to that much trouble. The simplest ways are always the best ways, and it doesn’t get a whole lot simpler than just intercepting something on its way to the dump.